Volunteer to Deliver Information

COHAN is 100% volunteer powered! Sign up for a route to deliver information to our neighbors in need.

Complete the embedded form or click below to sign up!

*A route takes about 2 hours to complete.

*Sign up through the week to deliver routes on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Join Our Weekly Meeting

We meet every Tuesday at 7PM. Join our weekly zoom meeting here!

Thank you for your interest in helping our neighbors who are facing eviction! You will receive more information the day before your shift! If you signed up to deliver materials, please review these instructions before your shift.

You will receive a text from Routific that may look like spam, please do not delete it as that will link you to your route. Your route may show a different start time than you signed up for, but you are still set for the shift(s) you signed up for.

You will also receive a text/email the day before your shift. These communications will also have the pick-up location and contact information for project organizers. If you only signed up for a backup Sunday delivery and you are needed, we will try to communicate with you Saturday evening or Sunday morning.

Thank you again for being a part of this grassroots effort. For more information, please email COHousingActionNetwork@gmail.com.